Members of the Clean Capitalist Leadership Council fund ongoing work in Clean Free Market Policy innovation and development, conducted by think tanks and university scholars, in the US and abroad.

We greatly appreciate your interest in helping us pioneer these new solutions to the challenges of climate, poverty and the lack of freedom globally. If you wish to join us in supporting this work, please download the Clean Capitalist Fund Contribution Form, and follow the instructions. We currently can accept checks, wire transfers, appreciated securities and grants.

The grants program of the Clean Capitalist Fund is overseen by Rod Richardson, Donor Advisor to the fund, Co-Founder of the Clean Capitalist Leadership Council, and President of The Grace Richardson Fund.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Rod Richardson, Donor Advisor for the Clean Capitalist Fund:
1-917-860-0697 |

Peter Lipsett, Director of Growth Strategies, DonorsTrust:
1-703-535-3563 |