Climate & Freedom

The key solution for climate change, poverty and other societal ills is the same thing: More Freedom.

Climate & Freedom International Coalition provides a forum for conservative think tanks from around the world to meet, explore ideas, discuss strategy, and share victory for enacting fiscally responsible policies, and the removal or reduction in regulations that hinder commerce and personal liberty. This monthly online meeting focuses on climate and energy policy, and features a news round up, a policy briefing and information discussion. Occasional in-person events help to foster collaboration and camaraderie. The Coalition meetings follow Chatham House rules, so one must register to attend each meeting.

International Climate & Freedom Accord, building a new free market framework for an international climate policy agreement.

In 2024, members of the Clean Capitalist Leadership Council and other think tanks produced several reports detailing how Free Market Climate Policy can be developed in countries around the world.
Please visit our RESOURCES page to view these reports.

DRAFT Straw Proposal, September, 2024: Climate & Freedom Accord

We welcome your ideas and participation. For more information or to collaborate with us, please contact Rod Richardson or Elizabeth Halliday:

COP28 in Dubai 2023: EVENTS in the Blue Zone

We are honored to have coordinated in two events during COP28 in the United Arab Emirates. On Dec. 8th, we led a small roundtable discussion on the pros and cons of current EU vs US climate policy. Then on Dec. 9th, we led an official side event at the United Nations during international climate talks for a new global framework on climate policy.
See Straw Proposal.

ICC Partner Stage
Dec. 8, 2023 at 15:00

The EU vs. the US vs.
the Critics
See Details

UN Side Event, Room 8
Dec. 9, 2023 at 11:30

Innovation and investment acceleration via free market climate agreements
See Details


We are honored to have participated in two events in the Portugal coastal cities of Porto and Lisbon. On April 16-17, the Free Market Road Show joined the European Resource Bank in the northern city of Porto for the annual meeting, discussing various free market topics and exploring ways to utilize taxpayer dollars more efficiently and effectively. On April 22-23, we participated at LibertyCon Europe 2023, with panels and a workshop to shape climate policy.
See Straw Proposal.

April 15-16, 2023

Free Market Road Show &
European Resource Bank
Annual Meeting

Go to Event Website

April 22-23, 2023

Europe 2023
Annual Conference

Go to Event Website

Nick Gillespie, Reason Magazine Editor at Large, Moderator Global Freedom Coalition panel, presented alongside Atlas Network Liberty Forum 2022.How to Accelerate Global Freedom via a Liberty-Expanding Collaboration on Multinational Agreements

November 17, 2022: Think Tank Panel & Roundtable
Speaker Bios  |  Event Details  | Video Playlist |  Straw Proposal

Grace Richardson Fund is pleased to announce the launch of the Climate and Freedom International Coalition, during this event held alongside the Atlas Network Liberty Forum, held on Thursday, November 17, co-hosted by Reason Foundation, Grace Richardson Fund, and the Center for Social and Economic Research (RSE), Iceland.

This group aims to develop a suite of proposals to counterbalance the current policy regime of heavy subsidies, penalties and regulation. We invite you to learn more! Contact us at 1-347-450-5042.

Dr. Liam Fox, MP, UK Keynote AddressCOP 26 in Glasgow:
Climate & Freedom Symposium 2021

November 8, 2021
University of Strathclyde,
Technology & Innovation Centre
99 George St.
Glasgow G1 1RD
Event DetailsView on YouTube | See More Videos

Of Interest:

Global Conservative Climate Summit

The first Global Conservative Climate Summit was held on November 10-11 in Glasgow, Scotland, and featured conservative government officials and representatives from around the world.

We applaud the fine effort of the event organizers, the American Conservation Coalition (ACC-USA), the Conservative Environmental Network (CEN-UK), and the Coalition for Conservation (C4C-Australia).
Click here to learn more about the event.